Friday, July 28, 2023

Meet Martin

Meet Martin Yes, meet Martin the post card guy most Saturdays and Sundays at Mowers flea in the heart of Woodstock. People, from all over the world, stop by and visit his booth. They ask for a post card from a particular location and odds are, he has a post card or two to represent their favorite little town. But then the fun begins. Martin will ask a question about the post cards location and then a wonderful conversation ensues between strangers about life, somewhere on our planet. Caution, don’t ask Martin about a henway.

Friday, July 07, 2023

Coming Soon- New Web Site

Our 46th season has, thus far, been a season to test the patience of many. Mother Nature rules the weather and we try our best to triangulate a few different human generated forecasts - thus making our decisions about opening quite a challenge. Adding to that, we just learned that the web site that has hosted our web page is going out of business. If you are searching for our web page in the next few days and it doesn’t come up- it’s in the migration process. We can easily be reached at and messages can be left at 845-679-6744