Friday, July 22, 2022

Farmer Steve

Each weekend for 36 years, Farmer Steve has made the trip from Columbia County with his van jammed packed full of seasonally fresh fruits and veggies to sell at his farm stand at Mower’s Saturday Sunday flea market. Steve also carries a wide variety of herbs, flowers and vegetable plants in season. An avid N.Y. Met fan, Farmer Steve is in constant motion. He usually has a story or two to share about his escapades protecting his crops from summer thunderstorms or the logistics of watering his crops during a drought. Sixteen years ago, Steve was part of a crew of flea vendors who pitched the idea of a two-day market to John and Janine. There had been a stretch of rainy weather and as the flea was Saturdays only, the flea kept getting cancelled. It was decided to commit to the two days, thus creating a built-in rain day. You will find him every weekend under the beautifully grand old Maple tree, on Maple Lane in Woodstock. The photo and article are from a 1997 Daily Freeman newspaper article.

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