Sunday, October 23, 2011

Plans for the late fall 2011 season

It's a little chilly here in Woodstock. Visitors to Mower's Flea walk around and shop while wrapped in sweaters and warm coats now. Secretly we all long to be able to wear our shorts and flip flops.  Mother nature has other plans for us all.  We will stay open as long as the weather and our vendors allow us to!  We expect to be able to set up until mid November and will try for Thanksgiving weekend.  I post regularly on the weekends on our Facebook page.  If you find Mowers Saturday Fleamarket on FB and like us, you will get the weekly updates. If there is any question about whether or not we are open, check our info line 845-679-6744
Thank you
Janine Mower

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Updated info on Woodstock for Labor DAy weekend

We are happy to report that most of the power is on in and around the center of Woodstock. IF you are headed up this way, make sure to stop by and spend some time visiting Woodstock. Mower's Saturday flea market will be open, Wed Aug 31,  Sat Sun and Monday Sept 3, 4, and 5, weather permitting. OUr info line is up and running 84-679-6744.
Check our web site for full information

Mower's Saturday Fleamarket Update

We plan to open this weekend, and we hope the rain that is forcast doesn't interfere with our plans

Hurricaine Irene has passed thru the area however at the moment, Woodstock and the surrounding are is without power.  We will do our very best to open this weekend, we hope to be able to be part of the process of returning to normalcy after this devestating storm.  We have no access to the web from our home, therefore, updates will not be available to this blog or our Facebook page until the power returns, hopefully next week.

Our info line is working 845-679-6744 however the answering machine does not work without power.  Call on Saturday morning after 7 am for flea market opening information.
For our vendors, call, if we are able, we will pick up the phone and take your reservation.
Sorry for this inconvenince.
Janine and John Mower

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Monday

8 am EST

The market is closed today, due to the forecast of sever heat and thunderstorms
Have a nice Memorial Day and we will see you next weekend, weather providing.

As always, call our info line 845-679-6744 for up to date information

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

Traditionally, the first big weekend of the summer season in Woodstock, NY. The doors are open, everyone is ready, the Mower's Saturday Flea market is planned to be open all three days this weekend. Check our info line at 845-679-6744 for up to date information.

We would especially like to remember John D. Mower who served in the Navy during W W 1 from Maple Lane in Woodstock NY and  Hugh Heaney, native son  of Ireland who served during  the Civil War, Harpers Ferry Pa  from Foxhall Avenue, Kingston NY.

They served so that we may enjoy the life we lead today!

See you at the market.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Opening Day May 14th 2011

In spite of the forecast for showers later this afternoon, we are open today.  The Woodstock Side walk sale is also going on this weekend. Visit our web site  Find us on FaceBook. Mower's Saturday Flea Market. Our information line is 845-679-6744.
Hope to see you at the market.

It's a family affair at Mower's Saturday Flea Market in Woodstock NY

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New York State Web site to apply for a Sales Tax Certificate

Go to online applications
Click Taxation and Finance
Certificate of Authority to Collect Sales Tax
Hit OK
Fields in Bold are what are required

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Welcome to our Web Site!

We open on May 14,  2011. Our web page contains brochure information.
Think SPRING !!!!
May the groundhog see his shadow