Thursday, May 09, 2019

OPENING DAY May 18 2019

Yes indeed. The time of year we have all been waiting for. May 18 and 19 are opening weekend for Mower's Saturday Sunday Flea market.
visit to view our brochure. Vendors are required to have a NYS sales tax certificate to set up. All reservations are called in to 845-679-6744. You can follow us on facebook for weekly updates. We announce weather updates and open and close info on 845-679-6744 after 6 30 am FREE parking is in Woodstock- located on Rock City Road near Lotus Fine Art. Also on the Lower Comeau Drive, this is about a five minute walk from the center of town. The Upper Comeau lot is about a ten minute walk from the flea market. The paid parking lot on Rock City Road can be accessed thru the driveway for the NEW Woodstock PUB.
Debbies Knock Out Dogs return as our Saturday food vendor. Debbie has been with us for over a DECADE!
NEW for this year, our Sunday food vendor will be ABA's Falafel. They start on May 19. See you at the market.