Sunday, August 05, 2012

Woodstock has the distinction of having an outdoor Saturday Market for over 90 years

" As the year 1917 came to a close, all attention in Woodstock and the world turned to what became known as the war to end all wars. Ethel Peets, a member of the Woodstock Club, developed the idea of holding a street fair, similar to those in Europe, in the center of the village. Her aim was to raise money for the Red Cross. She enlisted the help of another club member, Marion Eames, and they set about gathering a group of volunteer workers to run the street fair. The first market fair was held on a Saturday morning in 1918, on the village green, opposite the Dutch Reformed Church. It was managed by Ethel Peets and Mrs. Chase, mother of Rhoda Chase." Excerpt from American Tapestry, the Mower's of Maple Lane. Janine Fallon Mower 2007

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